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Nomination Committee 2024

BioArctic AB’s Annual General Meeting on June 1, 2023, adopted an instruction regarding the appointment of the Nomination Committee. Pursuant to this instruction the company shall have a Nomination Committee comprising one representative for each of the three principal shareholders in terms of votes, based on the information received from Euroclear Sweden AB on the last banking day in September 2023, as well as the Chairman of the Board (convener).

September 30, 2023, the three largest shareholders were Demban AB, Ackelsta AB and The Fourth Swedish National Fund (Fjärde AP-fonden).

The three owners who have agreed to be part of the Nomination Committee, Demban AB, Ackelsta AB and Fjärde AP-fonden, represent approx. 59 percent of the shares and approx. 84 percent of the votes in the company.

The nomination committee comprises the following members:

  • Margareta Öhrvall, appointed by Demban AB
  • Claes Andersson, appointed by Ackelsta AB
  • Jannis Kitsakis, chairperson of the Nomination Committee appointed by Fjärde AP-fonden

The Nomination Committee shall prepare proposals for the 2024 Annual General Meeting regarding the Chairman of the Meeting, number of Board members, fees to be paid to the Chairman of the Board and Board members, election of Board members and Board Chairman, remuneration to the auditor and election of auditor and, if necessary, proposal for changes in the instruction to the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee’s proposals will be presented in the notice to the Annual General Meeting 2024, as well as here on the company’s website.

Shareholders wishing to submit a proposal to BioArctic’s Nomination Committee can do so by e-mail to: (label e-mails with ”Nomination Committee”) or by letter addressed to:

BioArctic AB, Att: Nomination Committee, Warfvinges väg 35, SE-112 51 Stockholm, Sweden, not later than January 12, 2024.

The Annual General Meeting 2024 in BioArctic will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 16:30 p.m. (CET) in Stockholm. A request to have a matter dealt with at the meeting must be received by March 8, 2024, to be included in the notice.